Sense of Taste Kimono
oil/mixed media
36" x 42"
Collection of the Artist, $5,300 framed
The microscopic cells that make up the pattern on this kimono painting are based on three-dimensional microscopic images of taste cells.
Sense of Smell Kimono
oil/mixed media
36" x 42"
Collection of the Artist, $5,300 framed
The imagery in this painting was inspired by the microscopic cells that receive smells.
Sense of Hearing Kimono
oil/mixed media
36" x 42"
Collection of the Artist, $5,300 framed
The inspiration for the design of this kimono came from anatomy of tiny parts of the inner ear. The spiral shape is called a cochlea, and is the place where actual hearing takes place in the ear. The small elongated diamond like shapes are called otoliths, which means ear stones. They are part of our system for detecting how fast we are moving.
Sense of Sight Kimono
oil/mixed media
36" x 42"
Collection of the Artist, $5,300 framed
The sun-like image at the top is inspired by what the human retina looks like through a camera focused inside the eye. The image across the bottom is a stained cross section of the cells at the back of the eye responsible for seeing, which includes the rods and cones.
Sense of Touch Kimono
oil/mixed media
36" x 42"
Collection of the Artist, $5,300 framed
Featured in this Kimono are cells and neurons related to the sense of touch.
A Taste of India
oil/mixed media
36" x 42"
Collection of the Artist, $5,300 framed
The rug in this painting is decorated with receptors for each type of taste; sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami (a receptor for savory flavors). The central object is a taste bud from a fish.