Base Pair paintingBrush with Science Logo

...Julie Newdoll merges life science and culture, myths and molecules in her
paintings, music, journal covers and science games.

A Mirror up to Science


Nanotechnology I, 20" x 24", 1992, Private collection. Prints available $450.

Nanotechnology is the science of manipulating atoms to build tiny machines. These machines could be computers, chemical factories, or other types of mechanical device. It has been proposed that DNA be used as a scaffold to put tiny molecular machines onto. It has been shown that DNA can be used to form ladders and cube structures. These would make stable structures to attach tiny atomic sized machines to.

Inspired in part by the paper "Synthesis from DNA of a molecule with the connectivity of a cube", Junghuel Chen and Nadrian C. Seeman, Letters to Nature, Vol. 350, 1991.

Nanotechnology II, 3' x 4', 1992, private collection Prints available $450.

This DNA ladder is simultaneously creating itself at one end and destroying itself at the other end. A reflection of the need for creation, destruction, and disposal of nanotechnology devices in biological systems and experimental environments. See the "Nanotechnology I" description above for more information.

Nanotechnology III, 20" x 24", 1992. In the collection of Professor Nadrian Seeman.

A possible result obtained after folding DNA into a ladder shape. A solid scaffolding onto which tiny molecular machines could be attached and made to work together. See the "Nanotechnology I" description above for more information.


The Elements


Life Forms

Spindles of Necessity

Fountain of Youth

Inside Time

Kimonos of the Senses

Sense of Hearing

Cell Death:

Greek Tragedy
in Prague



Membrane Proteins
